我們的初衷 It's all about animal
我們的初衷 It's all about animal


As low fertility continues to be a phenomenon in Taiwan, need of companion animals has been surging. While the need surges, the problem of pets being abandoned follows. Growing numbers of stray dogs and cats has then alerted Dr. David Tan, who has been a veterinary for more than 20 years.

『歐盟在1987年提出”飼主責任”(Responsible Pet Ownership)準則,是世界各國動物福利的基本參考點。其中,飼主的責任包括:需要保持寵物健康、良好營養、適度體重、安全、控制繁殖。看似極簡短的五點,卻涵蓋寵物獸醫全部的工作。』

Having realized that the core reason causing pet owners to abandon their pets is the lack of education and common knowledge of animal health care, Dr. Tan has since been devoted to enhancing companion animals’ quality of life by developing and introducing nutritional supplements and surgical devices.


As pointed out by European Union in 1987, responsible pet ownership, which has become a global consensus, is essential to animal welfare. It is our responsibility to be the gatekeeper for pet owners by not only providing them with advanced nutritional supplements but also giving them appropriate animal health care knowledge to ensure a positive circle between pets, pet owners and veterinaries.


Under Dr. Tan’s lead, our team has strong tie with global veterinarian associations, experts and advanced pharmaceutical manufacturers worldwide to ensure we present high quality products. It is our goal to continue exploring opportunities across the world to introduce high standard pharmaceutical products to pet owners and veterinaries in Taiwan.