



In this highly competitive pet health care market, Scienvet has always maintained a high degree of confidence in its products. Our CEO Dr. Tan, as a professional veterinarian specializing in small animal renal disease, has developed many related health products for fur babies suffering from renal disease. During the research and development process, high-quality raw materials are selected and rigorously evaluated to ensure that each product meets top standards. There are seemingly similar ingredients, but there are many detailed differences behind them, such as raw material sources, purity, safety, and precise formula ratios. These are accumulated through years of professional knowledge and long-term research and experience, which is why our products have almost zero negative reviews after they are launched. We are not known for the best prices, but high-quality raw materials, safety testing, ingredient purity, these factors will directly affect the production cost, and thus the final price.

We rarely advertise, and some people may not yet be familiar with our name and products. However, through diligent business visits and practical applications in animal hospitals over the years, users have expressed high satisfaction with our products. In year 2023, "RenCare" has officially entered into the National Taiwan University Animal Hospital as a supplement aid for renal disease treatment. We are not good at ''speaking'' and do not have fancy words, we only believe that the product can speak for itself. This is also the belief of Scienvet Company from beginning to end.

#賽恩威特 #專業動物保健品 #只做好產品